When Things Go Wrong Last updated: 2023-07-21

Problem: No Power

  • LED stays off when you toggle the foot switch?
  • No distortion when you toggle the foot switch?
  • You still probably have a clean signal in bypass

Wrong Power Supply?

Double check your power supply. Make sure it is 9V Center Negative

Center Negative symbol

If you used the wrong power supply, open the back plate and look inside for any burnt components. Damaged components will need to be removed and replaced. Follow the guide for misplaced components. Send an email to get replacement parts at-cost, or visit the forum for a list of recommended vendors if you'd prefer to order them yourself.

No damage? Great! Find a suitable power supply and try again. Hopefully it'll work as expected.

No, My Power Supply is Correct

If an incorrect power supply was NOT the issue you had, visit our forum and provide some pictures and details and we'll help you figure out what's going on.


