When Things Go Wrong Last updated: 2023-07-21

Seeking Help

Don't fret. You WILL fix it. We will help.

Fixing Common Mistakes

Unsure of the Problem?

Let's look at the clues to figure out what's going on with your pedal. Before we continue, though, if your LED won't light then UNPLUG your pedal for now. If you have a power issue it's better to limit the time the circuit is exposed to the wrong power supply.

Follow this flowchart to find the most likely cause of common problems. Or skip past it to learn about our support forum.

Step 1


Step 2


Step 3

Something, but it's not right

Step 4


Get Personal Help

If you have any questions or problems and those links above don't help, head over to reddit.com/r/maseffects and create a new post. Usually you'll want to include pictures of your build in addition to a brief description of the trouble you're having. This is the preferred and quickest way to get your problem resolved.

Get Help Now

It's not just for help, though. Feel free to also post in-progress reports, show off your new pedal when it's completed, or start a discussion on anything you think other pedal builders would enjoy.

Other DIY pedal communities such as r/diypedals, diystompboxes.com, or freestompboxes.org are great too, but you'll need to provide them with additional context like a schematic and links to the build docs. It'll be quicker to use our forum, but bookmark these others since they're great communities.

Finally, if none of that works for you, send an email.

Support Forum: Why Reddit?

Our support forum can be found at reddit.com/r/maseffects/.

Why Reddit?

Reddit offers a more visual experience compared to traditional forums. This is perfect for sharing completed pedals, or pics of PCBs when you're having a problem. It also has built-in support for getting notified when people reply, has native mobile apps, and is free.

It's a great platform for niche communities. For example you may also enjoy: r/diypedals, r/guitarpedals, r/diyelectronics, or r/diytubes.


I DO NOT, however, recommend using its popular subreddits (i.e. anything you find on its main page, r/all, or r/popular) which are often toxic.


