Put It All Together Last updated: 2023-07-21

Prepare Potentiometers

Remove Anti-Rotation Tab

Most potentiometers have an anti-rotation tab on them. That tab can sit in an additional hole in the enclosure and it will prevent the potentiometer from turning. In practice, though, it's unsightly and not usually necessary since a relatively snug nut on the outside of the potentiometer will keep it in place.

Instead, the most common way to deal with these tabs is to simply snap them off. Grip it with your side cutters or pliers, and gently bend it to the side. It should break with very little force.

Install Dust Covers

A dust cover is a plastic cap that can be pushed onto the back of potentiometer to help minimize dust getting into it. In a typical pedal with its mostly sealed enclosure, it won't make much difference, but it certainly can't hurt.

To install it, line up the notched area to accommodate the legs of the potentiometer, and firmly press it into place.

Note: One or both of your potentiometers may already have a dust cover installed.

Straighten Legs

If the legs are a bit crooked, straighten them out by gently bending them back into place.


